Since I screwed up so royally
on blog updates this year, I’m taking a peek at the other New Year’s
resolutions. Time to fess up. Here’s the report card:
Enter a post on my blogpage at least once a week – Failed.
Already wrote about my sorry excuses and promise to do better (see blog below).
Add a warm yoga class to my exercise routine, for 3
days of yoga plus 3 days of gym a week
– Not. Backed down since I realized
I already have more than my share of hot flashes! Added a walk day with a new
Take another UCSD class on fiction writing (check -- last Wednesday) – Blue Ribbon. I’m hot to trot, attending
weekly critique group with fabulous fellow scribes and one astute teacher who penned
murder mysteries after a law career. She keeps us on our toes. We keep coming
back for more.
Ship my YA novel off to a publisher/editor/agent by
April – Delayed. I do have a life and did escape for trips, so this is delayed
gratification. Making revisions suggested by former YA editor and LOVING IT! She
added line editing on her December calendar, and I added an agent search in
Hike at least once a month – YIKES.
Trekked up one very steep mountain in February with new hiking group, daughter
Amy and friend Jann. The 800-foot ascent they estimated was actually 2,400
feet, which sent me into one of my infrequent, but still famous, vaso-vegal
attacks that night. That group is off our island. Maybe 4-5 hikes since, but
need to ratchet it up since Patagonia is calling -- South America in February.
Eat really good food during the week and kick alcohol
and other sugary treats to the weekends – Blue Ribbon. True
confession – sometimes cheat with a glass of wine one weekday and always cheat
on vacations. Unintended consequence – lost five pounds!
Pull up worn carpet in the
living/dining room and lay down hardwoods (check -- on Monday) – Blue Ribbon.
We love the look of rustic wood beneath our furniture and the feel of smooth dark
wood to our feet.
Do something with my daughters monthly and my
sister at least twice a month –
Needs Improvement. All the girls are
SUPER BUSY with kids and work, but lunch works a few times a year. Mother’s Day
was a treat when Betsy, Amy, and I took the boys to dinner and ice cream. My
sister Mila and I conspire weekly on the book I’m writing about her triumphs
over bipolar disorder. It’s been an amazing journey that we both cherish.
Do something fun with grandkids at least once a
month – Needs Improvement. This is a big kahuna for me, so I have to be
pretty persistent to land a spot on the calendar of teenage boys. But they do
like to go out to eat and see movies, so I do work my way in.
Plan more time with writer friends and
girlfriends – Blue Ribbon. Took a fabulous girls trip to Colorado mountains in September with high school friends, walking weekly with a new neighbor, and enjoying plays
with a writer friend.
Do a good deed for someone outside my family daily – Needs
Improvement. So many people are going through so many challenges these
days, due to aging issues, the economy, and health problems. I can do more.
Host another bitchin' Kentucky Derby Party the
first Saturday in May – Bouquet of Roses. Most fun party ever.
Guests take on a celebrity name, guzzle mint juleps, visit the Derby Room, meet
other exotic guests, and even win money if they bet on the right horse. How can
you beat that? We always threaten that
we can’t do it again, but still going, with hired help now. Best part -- grandson
Riley jammed jazz on keyboard, earning $70 in fishbowl tips!