Wednesday, April 6, 2016

There Are Threads in My Life

In honor of National Poetry Month, I'm sharing my poem, There are Threads in My Life, which is published this month in the San Diego Poetry Annual 2015-16.


There Are Threads in My Life

The early threads are soft,
Golden fiber to the touch.
Unmarked, no judgment, simple needs of 
Baby talk, rocking chair sweet.

They grow into woven fibers that flow
With curiosity and explorations.
Toddler years touch, see, taste, hear, and feel 
Worlds beyond a room and house.

New discoveries sew fabric rich, 
Patterns that pulse and play. 
Colorful, joyful, promises and feats 
Lead to uncharted lands and people.

Bound only by bold imagination,
A tapestry of flowering fields
Morphs into lifetime pursuits, and pauses 
To hold all that's dear.

Blankets over fresh new infants, 
Children to come,
Lives to shape,
Love to share.

The cloth covers and protects, 
Teaches and encourages, 
New worlds to explore
From fibers that flourish.

A woven circle coils into itself, 
Building strength and bonds 
From depth and beauty.
Gifts of the earth and sun.

Life springs into life. 
Love into love. 
Memories into more 